學類 | |
1 | 圖書資訊(4) |
2 | 電子商務(4) |
3 | 科技管理(18) |
4 | 化妝品(4) |
5 | 醫務管理(7) |
6 | 運動保健(6) |
7 | 勞工關係(2) |
8 | 廣告(5) |
9 | 成人教育(2) |
10 | 企業管理(42) |
11 | 行銷經營(7) |
12 | 國際企業(27) |
13 | 保險(5) |
14 | 舞蹈(4) |
15 | 觀光事業(15) |
16 | 運動管理(7) |
17 | 餐旅管理(15) |
18 | 休閒管理(14) |
職業碼 | 職業名稱 | |
1 | 11-2021.00 | 行銷經理 (Marketing Managers) |
2 | 11-2022.00 | 銷售經理 (Sales Managers) |
3 | 11-2031.00 | 公關經理 (Public Relations and Fundraising Managers) |
4 | 13-1011.00 | 藝術/表演/運動產業經營與經紀者 (Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes) |
5 | 27-1011.00 | 藝術總監 (Art Directors) |
6 | 27-3031.00 | 公關專員 (Public Relations Specialists) |
7 | 27-3043.04 | 廣告文案作家 (Copy Writers) |
8 | 29-2092.00 | 助聽器專家 (Hearing Aid Specialists) |
9 | 35-2013.00 | 廚師_私家類 (Cooks, Private Household) |
10 | 39-7012.00 | 旅遊領隊 (Travel Guides) |
11 | 41-1011.00 | 零售業基層管理者 (First-Line Supervisors of Retail Sales Workers) |
12 | 41-1012.00 | 銷售基層管理者_零售業除外 (First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers) |
13 | 41-3011.00 | 廣告銷售代理商 (Advertising Sales Agents) |
14 | 41-3021.00 | 保險經紀人 (Insurance Sales Agents) |
15 | 41-3031.01 | 證卷期貨銷售經紀人 (Sales Agents, Securities and Commodities) |
16 | 41-3031.02 | 金融服務銷售經紀人 (Sales Agents, Financial Services) |
17 | 41-4011.00 | 業務代表_技術及科學產品 (Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Technical and Scientific Products) |
18 | 41-4011.07 | 太陽能發電業務代表與鑑價師 (Solar Sales Representatives and Assessors) |
19 | 41-4012.00 | 製造與批發業之業務代表人員 (Sales Representatives, Wholesale and Manufacturing, Except Technical and Scientific Products) |
20 | 41-9021.00 | 不動產承銷商 (Real Estate Brokers) |
21 | 41-9022.00 | 不動產銷售員 (Real Estate Sales Agents) |
22 | 41-9031.00 | 銷售工程師 (Sales Engineers) |
23 | 41-9041.00 | 電話推銷員 (Telemarketers) |
24 | 41-9091.00 | 面銷人員 (Door-To-Door Sales Workers, News and Street Vendors, and Related Workers) |