學類 | |
1 | 醫學(11) |
2 | 牙醫(6) |
3 | 物理治療(7) |
4 | 職能/聽力/語言治療(7) |
5 | 護理(13) |
6 | 呼吸治療(4) |
7 | 健康照護(5) |
8 | 心理(17) |
9 | 社會工作(11) |
10 | 兒童與家庭(3) |
11 | 宗教(5) |
12 | 輔導與諮商(11) |
13 | 特殊教育(13) |
14 | 幼兒教育(13) |
職業碼 | 職業名稱 | |
1 | 19-3031.01 | 教心輔導學家 (School Psychologists) |
2 | 19-3031.02 | 臨床心理師 (Clinical Psychologists) |
3 | 19-3031.03 | 諮商心理師 (Counseling Psychologists) |
4 | 19-3039.01 | (臨床)神經心理學家 (Neuropsychologists and Clinical Neuropsychologists) |
5 | 21-1011.00 | 成癮與異常行為諮商師 (Substance Abuse and Behavioral Disorder Counselors) |
6 | 21-1012.00 | 職涯與學校輔導諮商師 (Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors) |
7 | 21-1013.00 | 婚姻與家庭治療師 (Marriage and Family Therapists) |
8 | 21-1014.00 | 心理健康諮商師 (Mental Health Counselors) |
9 | 21-1015.00 | 復健領域諮商師 (Rehabilitation Counselors) |
10 | 21-1021.00 | 兒童家庭與學校社工 (Child, Family, and School Social Workers) |
11 | 21-1022.00 | 醫療與公衛社工 (Healthcare Social Workers) |
12 | 21-1023.00 | 心理健康與物質成癮社工 (Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers) |
13 | 25-1072.00 | 大學教師-護理領域 (Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary) |
14 | 25-1113.00 | 大學/專教師_社會工作領域 (Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary) |
15 | 29-1031.00 | 營養師 (Dietitians and Nutritionists) |
16 | 29-1062.00 | 家庭醫師 (Family and General Practitioners) |
17 | 29-1063.00 | 一般內科醫師 (Internists, General) |
18 | 29-1065.00 | 一般小兒科醫師 (Pediatricians, General) |
19 | 29-1066.00 | 精神科醫師 (Psychiatrists) |
20 | 29-1069.03 | 住院醫師 (Hospitalists) |
21 | 29-1069.08 | 物理治療與復健醫師 (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians) |
22 | 29-1071.00 | 內科醫療助理 (Physician Assistants) |
23 | 29-1122.00 | 職能治療師 (Occupational Therapists) |
24 | 29-1123.00 | 物理治療師 (Physical Therapists) |
25 | 29-1125.00 | 遊憩治療師 (Recreational Therapists) |
26 | 29-1141.01 | 緊急照顧護理師 (Acute Care Nurses) |
27 | 29-1141.02 | 進階精神科護理師 (Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses) |
28 | 29-1171.00 | 專科護理師 (Nurse Practitioners) |
29 | 29-1199.04 | 自然醫學醫師 (Naturopathic Physicians) |
30 | 29-2053.00 | 精神科技術人員 (Psychiatric Technicians) |
31 | 29-9091.00 | 運動傷害防護師/運動保健師 (Athletic Trainers) |
32 | 29-9092.00 | 遺傳諮詢師 (Genetic Counselors) |
33 | 31-1013.00 | 精神治療助手 (Psychiatric Aides) |
34 | 43-4051.03 | 病患代表 (Patient Representatives) |