學類 | |
1 | 生醫/醫學工程(5) |
2 | 醫學(11) |
3 | 公共衛生(8) |
4 | 牙醫(6) |
5 | 物理治療(7) |
6 | 職能/聽力/語言治療(7) |
7 | 護理(13) |
8 | 醫學檢驗暨生物技術(9) |
9 | 醫學影像暨放射科學(6) |
10 | 藥學(5) |
11 | 食品營養保健(12) |
12 | 呼吸治療(4) |
13 | 健康照護(5) |
14 | 化妝品(4) |
15 | 獸醫(3) |
16 | 運動保健(6) |
17 | 生命科學(26) |
18 | 生物科技(18) |
19 | 動物科學(6) |
20 | 體育(26) |
職業碼 | 職業名稱 | |
1 | 13-1041.06 | 法醫 (Coroners) |
2 | 13-2053.00 | 承保專員 (Insurance Underwriters) |
3 | 15-1121.01 | 資訊護理師 (Informatics Nurse Specialists) |
4 | 19-1042.00 | 醫學家(不含流行病學家) (Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists) |
5 | 19-3039.01 | (臨床)神經心理學家 (Neuropsychologists and Clinical Neuropsychologists) |
6 | 25-1071.00 | 大學教師-醫療與健康領域 (Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary) |
7 | 25-1072.00 | 大學教師-護理領域 (Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary) |
8 | 29-1011.00 | 脊骨矯治醫師 (Chiropractors) |
9 | 29-1021.00 | 牙醫師 (Dentists, General) |
10 | 29-1022.00 | 口腔顎面外科醫師 (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) |
11 | 29-1023.00 | 牙齒矯正醫師 (Orthodontists) |
12 | 29-1024.00 | 鑲牙、補齒醫師 (Prosthodontists) |
13 | 29-1041.00 | 視光師 (Optometrists) |
14 | 29-1051.00 | 藥劑師 (Pharmacists) |
15 | 29-1061.00 | 麻醉醫師 (Anesthesiologists) |
16 | 29-1062.00 | 家庭醫師 (Family and General Practitioners) |
17 | 29-1063.00 | 一般內科醫師 (Internists, General) |
18 | 29-1064.00 | 婦產科醫師 (Obstetricians and Gynecologists) |
19 | 29-1065.00 | 一般小兒科醫師 (Pediatricians, General) |
20 | 29-1066.00 | 精神科醫師 (Psychiatrists) |
21 | 29-1067.00 | 外科醫師 (Surgeons) |
22 | 29-1069.01 | 過敏科與免疫科醫師 (Allergists and Immunologists) |
23 | 29-1069.02 | 皮膚科醫師 (Dermatologists) |
24 | 29-1069.03 | 住院醫師 (Hospitalists) |
25 | 29-1069.04 | 神經專科醫師 (Neurologists) |
26 | 29-1069.05 | 核子醫學醫師 (Nuclear Medicine Physicians) |
27 | 29-1069.06 | 眼科醫師 (Ophthalmologists) |
28 | 29-1069.07 | 病理學家 (Pathologists) |
29 | 29-1069.08 | 物理治療與復健醫師 (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians) |
30 | 29-1069.09 | 預防醫學醫師 (Preventive Medicine Physicians) |
31 | 29-1069.10 | 放射科醫師 (Radiologists) |
32 | 29-1069.11 | 運動醫學醫師 (Sports Medicine Physicians) |
33 | 29-1069.12 | 泌尿科醫師 (Urologists) |
34 | 29-1071.00 | 內科醫療助理 (Physician Assistants) |
35 | 29-1071.01 | 麻醉師助理 (Anesthesiologist Assistants) |
36 | 29-1081.00 | 足科醫師 (Podiatrists) |
37 | 29-1122.00 | 職能治療師 (Occupational Therapists) |
38 | 29-1123.00 | 物理治療師 (Physical Therapists) |
39 | 29-1126.00 | 呼吸治療師 (Respiratory Therapists) |
40 | 29-1131.00 | 獸醫 (Veterinarians) |
41 | 29-1141.00 | 執照護理師(護士) (Registered Nurses) |
42 | 29-1141.01 | 緊急照顧護理師 (Acute Care Nurses) |
43 | 29-1141.02 | 進階精神科護理師 (Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses) |
44 | 29-1141.03 | 重症加護護理師 (Critical Care Nurses) |
45 | 29-1141.04 | 臨床護理專員 (Clinical Nurse Specialists) |
46 | 29-1151.00 | 護理麻醉師 (Nurse Anesthetists) |
47 | 29-1161.00 | 婦產專科護理師 (Nurse Midwives) |
48 | 29-1171.00 | 專科護理師 (Nurse Practitioners) |
49 | 29-1199.01 | 針灸師 (Acupuncturists) |
50 | 29-1199.04 | 自然醫學醫師 (Naturopathic Physicians) |
51 | 29-1199.05 | 視軸矯正醫師 (Orthoptists) |
52 | 29-2021.00 | 牙科保健師 (Dental Hygienists) |
53 | 29-2031.00 | 心血管檢測技師與技士 (Cardiovascular Technologists and Technicians) |
54 | 29-2041.00 | 急救醫護人員 (Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics) |
55 | 29-2054.00 | 呼吸治療技術人員 (Respiratory Therapy Technicians) |
56 | 29-2061.00 | 有照執業與職業護理員 (Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses) |
57 | 29-2091.00 | 矯具與義肢師 (Orthotists and Prosthetists) |
58 | 29-2099.05 | 眼科醫療技師 (Ophthalmic Medical Technologists) |
59 | 29-9091.00 | 運動傷害防護師/運動保健師 (Athletic Trainers) |
60 | 29-9092.00 | 遺傳諮詢師 (Genetic Counselors) |
61 | 29-9099.01 | 助產士 (Midwives) |
62 | 31-9091.00 | 牙醫助理 (Dental Assistants) |
63 | 31-9092.00 | 醫療助理 (Medical Assistants) |