生涯與就業協助系統(Career & Vocational Helping System) Version 5.0

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重要性 ≥

1 犯罪防治(5)
2 勞工關係(2)
3 新聞(7)
4 社會科教育(2)
5 法律(17)
6 財經法律(10)
7 政治(12)
8 行政管理(15)
9 地政與土地資產管理(6)
10 財稅(4)
職業碼 職業名稱
1 11-9161.00 公共災害危機處理專家 (Emergency Management Directors)
2 11-9199.01 藥事管理規定RA經理 (Regulatory Affairs Managers)
3 11-9199.08 防損/保安經理 (Loss Prevention Managers)
4 13-1041.01 環保稽核員 (Environmental Compliance Inspectors)
5 13-1041.03 性別/就業機會平等專員 (Equal Opportunity Representatives and Officers)
6 13-1041.06 法醫 (Coroners)
7 13-1041.07 藥事管理規定RA專員 (Regulatory Affairs Specialists)
8 13-2099.04 舞弊查核師 (Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts)
9 17-1022.00 測量工程師 (Surveyors)
10 17-2081.00 環工工程師 (Environmental Engineers)
11 17-2111.01 勞工安全與衛生管理師 (Industrial Safety and Health Engineers)
12 19-2041.01 氣候變遷分析師 (Climate Change Analysts)
13 19-3051.00 都市與區域規劃師 (Urban and Regional Planners)
14 19-3094.00 政治學家 (Political Scientists)
15 19-3099.01 交通規劃師 (Transportation Planners)
16 19-4061.01 都市與區域規劃助理師 (City and Regional Planning Aides)
17 19-4092.00 刑事鑑識科學專員 (Forensic Science Technicians)
18 21-1092.00 假釋官和矯正治療專員 (Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists)
19 23-1011.00 律師 (Lawyers)
20 23-1012.00 司法人員 (Judicial Law Clerks)
21 23-1021.00 行政法官/裁決人/聽證官 (Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers)
22 23-1023.00 法官/基層法官 (Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates)
23 23-2011.00 法務助理 (Paralegals and Legal Assistants)
24 25-1065.00 大學/專教師_政治學領域 (Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary)
25 25-1111.00 大學/專教師_犯罪與司法領域 (Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary)
26 25-1112.00 大學/專教師_法學領域 (Law Teachers, Postsecondary)
27 29-9011.00 職業健康和安全專業工作者 (Occupational Health and Safety Specialists)
28 33-1012.00 員警與刑警隊長 (First-Line Supervisors of Police and Detectives)
29 33-2021.01 消防督察員 (Fire Inspectors)
30 33-2021.02 消防偵查員 (Fire Investigators)
31 33-3012.00 矯正機構行政人員與警力 (Correctional Officers and Jailers)
32 33-3021.01 刑警 (Police Detectives)
33 33-3021.02 犯罪鑑識專員 (Police Identification and Records Officers)
34 33-3021.03 刑事調查和特別幹員 (Criminal Investigators and Special Agents)
35 33-3021.05 海關與國境警員 (Immigration and Customs Inspectors)
36 33-3021.06 情報分析幹員 (Intelligence Analysts)
37 33-3031.00 國家公園員警/保育稽查專員 (Fish and Game Wardens)
38 33-3051.01 管區巡警 (Police Patrol Officers)
39 33-3051.03 警長和副警長 (Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs)
40 33-3052.00 交通與鐵路員警 (Transit and Railroad Police)
41 33-9021.00 私家偵探和調查員 (Private Detectives and Investigators)
42 33-9031.00 博奕出千偵調員 (Gaming Surveillance Officers and Gaming Investigators)
43 43-6012.00 法律助理 (Legal Secretaries)
