學類 | |
1 | 工藝(2) |
2 | 表演藝術(7) |
3 | 人類/民族學(4) |
4 | 宗教(5) |
5 | 廣播電視電影(7) |
6 | 廣告(5) |
7 | 東方語文(8) |
8 | 英語教育(3) |
9 | 中國語文(36) |
10 | 台灣語文(5) |
11 | 華語文教育(5) |
12 | 社會科教育(2) |
13 | 財經法律(10) |
14 | 舞蹈(4) |
職業碼 | 職業名稱 | |
1 | 11-2011.00 | 廣告與促銷經理 (Advertising and Promotions Managers) |
2 | 11-2021.00 | 行銷經理 (Marketing Managers) |
3 | 11-2031.00 | 公關經理 (Public Relations and Fundraising Managers) |
4 | 11-3011.00 | 行政管理經理 (Administrative Services Managers) |
5 | 11-3031.02 | 事業部/部門財務經理 (Financial Managers, Branch or Department) |
6 | 11-3061.00 | 採購經理 (Purchasing Managers) |
7 | 11-3071.01 | 運輸經理 (Transportation Managers) |
8 | 11-3131.00 | 人力資源發展經理 (Training and Development Managers) |
9 | 11-9021.00 | 營建管理者 (Construction Managers) |
10 | 11-9031.00 | 學前與幼教行政管理者 (Education Administrators, Preschool and Childcare Center/Program) |
11 | 11-9032.00 | 中小學教育行政管理者 (Education Administrators, Elementary and Secondary School) |
12 | 11-9033.00 | 大學/專教育行政管理者 (Education Administrators, Postsecondary) |
13 | 11-9039.01 | 遠距學習主任 (Distance Learning Coordinators) |
14 | 11-9081.00 | 旅宿經理 (Lodging Managers) |
15 | 11-9111.00 | 醫療與健康服務管理者 (Medical and Health Services Managers) |
16 | 11-9131.00 | 郵務管理人員 (Postmasters and Mail Superintendents) |
17 | 11-9141.00 | 地政物業不動產經理人 (Property, Real Estate, and Community Association Managers) |
18 | 11-9151.00 | 社會與社區服務經營者 (Social and Community Service Managers) |
19 | 11-9161.00 | 公共災害危機處理專家 (Emergency Management Directors) |
20 | 11-9199.01 | 藥事管理規定RA經理 (Regulatory Affairs Managers) |
21 | 11-9199.02 | 稽核主管 (Compliance Managers) |
22 | 11-9199.04 | 供應鏈經理人 (Supply Chain Managers) |
23 | 11-9199.08 | 防損/保安經理 (Loss Prevention Managers) |
24 | 13-1011.00 | 藝術/表演/運動產業經營與經紀者 (Agents and Business Managers of Artists, Performers, and Athletes) |
25 | 13-1023.00 | 採購仲介人員(大盤商、零售商和農產品除外) (Purchasing Agents, Except Wholesale, Retail, and Farm Products) |
26 | 13-1031.01 | 財產和傷亡保險理賠稽核員 (Claims Examiners, Property and Casualty Insurance) |
27 | 13-1031.02 | 保險理算員、稽查員和審核者 (Insurance Adjusters, Examiners, and Investigators) |
28 | 13-1041.03 | 性別/就業機會平等專員 (Equal Opportunity Representatives and Officers) |
29 | 13-1041.06 | 法醫 (Coroners) |
30 | 13-1041.07 | 藥事管理規定RA專員 (Regulatory Affairs Specialists) |
31 | 13-1071.00 | 人資專員 (Human Resources Specialists) |
32 | 13-1081.00 | 物流運籌專家 (Logisticians) |
33 | 13-1111.00 | 管理分析師 (Management Analysts) |
34 | 13-1121.00 | 會議/集會/公關事件企劃專員 (Meeting, Convention, and Event Planners) |
35 | 13-1141.00 | 薪酬與工作分析專員 (Compensation, Benefits, and Job Analysis Specialists) |
36 | 13-1151.00 | 訓練與發展專員 (Training and Development Specialists) |
37 | 13-1161.00 | 市場研究與行銷專員 (Market Research Analysts and Marketing Specialists) |
38 | 13-1199.02 | 企業安全專員 (Security Management Specialists) |
39 | 13-1199.04 | 風險持續營運規劃專員 (Business Continuity Planners) |
40 | 13-2011.02 | 審計師 (Auditors) |
41 | 13-2031.00 | 預算分析師 (Budget Analysts) |
42 | 13-2051.00 | 金融投資分析師 (Financial Analysts) |
43 | 13-2053.00 | 承保專員 (Insurance Underwriters) |
44 | 13-2061.00 | 金融檢查師 (Financial Examiners) |
45 | 13-2081.00 | 稅務稽查員、徵收和國稅局幹員 (Tax Examiners and Collectors, and Revenue Agents) |
46 | 13-2099.04 | 舞弊查核師 (Fraud Examiners, Investigators and Analysts) |
47 | 15-1111.00 | 資訊科學家 (Computer and Information Research Scientists) |
48 | 15-1121.00 | 系統分析師 (Computer Systems Analysts) |
49 | 15-1121.01 | 資訊護理師 (Informatics Nurse Specialists) |
50 | 15-1131.00 | 程式設計師 (Computer Programmers) |
51 | 15-1199.05 | 地理資訊系統技術員 (Geographic Information Systems Technicians) |
52 | 17-1012.00 | 景觀設計/建築師 (Landscape Architects) |
53 | 17-2031.00 | 生物醫學工程師 (Biomedical Engineers) |
54 | 17-2051.00 | 土木工程師 (Civil Engineers) |
55 | 17-2081.00 | 環工工程師 (Environmental Engineers) |
56 | 17-2081.01 | 水/廢水工程師 (Water/Wastewater Engineers) |
57 | 17-2111.01 | 勞工安全與衛生管理師 (Industrial Safety and Health Engineers) |
58 | 17-2112.01 | 人因學家/人因工程師 (Human Factors Engineers and Ergonomists) |
59 | 17-2199.10 | 風力發電工程師 (Wind Energy Engineers) |
60 | 17-3011.01 | 建築設計製圖員 (Architectural Drafters) |
61 | 17-3011.02 | 土木工程製圖員 (Civil Drafters) |
62 | 17-3025.00 | 環境工程技術士 (Environmental Engineering Technicians) |
63 | 17-3029.02 | 電子工程技師 (Electrical Engineering Technologists) |
64 | 19-1011.00 | 畜產學家 (Animal Scientists) |
65 | 19-1013.00 | 土壤植物學家 (Soil and Plant Scientists) |
66 | 19-1021.00 | 生物化學與生物物理學家 (Biochemists and Biophysicists) |
67 | 19-1023.00 | 動物學家與野生生物學家 (Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists) |
68 | 19-1029.01 | 生物資訊科學家 (Bioinformatics Scientists) |
69 | 19-1029.02 | 分子和細胞生物學家 (Molecular and Cellular Biologists) |
70 | 19-1029.03 | 遺傳學家 (Geneticists) |
71 | 19-1031.03 | 公園博物學家 (Park Naturalists) |
72 | 19-1041.00 | 流行病學家 (Epidemiologists) |
73 | 19-1042.00 | 醫學家(不含流行病學家) (Medical Scientists, Except Epidemiologists) |
74 | 19-2012.00 | 物理學家 (Physicists) |
75 | 19-2021.00 | 大氣科學專家 (Atmospheric and Space Scientists) |
76 | 19-2041.00 | 環境科學家與專家(包含健康領域) (Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health) |
77 | 19-2041.01 | 氣候變遷分析師 (Climate Change Analysts) |
78 | 19-2042.00 | 地球科學家(除了水文學家和地理學家) (Geoscientists, Except Hydrologists and Geographers) |
79 | 19-2043.00 | 水文學家 (Hydrologists) |
80 | 19-3011.01 | 環境機濟學家 (Environmental Economists) |
81 | 19-3022.00 | 調查研究員 (Survey Researchers) |
82 | 19-3031.01 | 教心輔導學家 (School Psychologists) |
83 | 19-3031.02 | 臨床心理師 (Clinical Psychologists) |
84 | 19-3032.00 | 工業組織心理學家 (Industrial-Organizational Psychologists) |
85 | 19-3039.01 | (臨床)神經心理學家 (Neuropsychologists and Clinical Neuropsychologists) |
86 | 19-3041.00 | 社會學家 (Sociologists) |
87 | 19-3051.00 | 都市與區域規劃師 (Urban and Regional Planners) |
88 | 19-3091.01 | 人類學家 (Anthropologists) |
89 | 19-3091.02 | 考古學家 (Archeologists) |
90 | 19-3092.00 | 地理學家 (Geographers) |
91 | 19-3093.00 | 歷史學家 (Historians) |
92 | 19-3094.00 | 政治學家 (Political Scientists) |
93 | 19-3099.01 | 交通規劃師 (Transportation Planners) |
94 | 19-4061.01 | 都市與區域規劃助理師 (City and Regional Planning Aides) |
95 | 21-1012.00 | 職涯與學校輔導諮商師 (Educational, Guidance, School, and Vocational Counselors) |
96 | 21-1014.00 | 心理健康諮商師 (Mental Health Counselors) |
97 | 21-1021.00 | 兒童家庭與學校社工 (Child, Family, and School Social Workers) |
98 | 21-1022.00 | 醫療與公衛社工 (Healthcare Social Workers) |
99 | 21-1023.00 | 心理健康與物質成癮社工 (Mental Health and Substance Abuse Social Workers) |
100 | 21-1091.00 | 健康教育工作者 (Health Educators) |
101 | 21-1092.00 | 假釋官和矯正治療專員 (Probation Officers and Correctional Treatment Specialists) |
102 | 21-1093.00 | 社心服務個案專員 (Social and Human Service Assistants) |
103 | 23-1011.00 | 律師 (Lawyers) |
104 | 23-1012.00 | 司法人員 (Judicial Law Clerks) |
105 | 23-1021.00 | 行政法官/裁決人/聽證官 (Administrative Law Judges, Adjudicators, and Hearing Officers) |
106 | 23-1022.00 | 仲裁人/調解人/協調人 (Arbitrators, Mediators, and Conciliators) |
107 | 23-1023.00 | 法官/基層法官 (Judges, Magistrate Judges, and Magistrates) |
108 | 23-2011.00 | 法務助理 (Paralegals and Legal Assistants) |
109 | 23-2091.00 | 書記官 (Court Reporters) |
110 | 23-2093.00 | 產權審核/概述/調查人員 (Title Examiners, Abstractors, and Searchers) |
111 | 25-1011.00 | 大學/專教師_商管領域 (Business Teachers, Postsecondary) |
112 | 25-1021.00 | 大學/專教師_資訊科學領域 (Computer Science Teachers, Postsecondary) |
113 | 25-1022.00 | 大學/專教師_數學領域 (Mathematical Science Teachers, Postsecondary) |
114 | 25-1031.00 | 大學/專教師_建築領域 (Architecture Teachers, Postsecondary) |
115 | 25-1032.00 | 大學/專教師_工程領域 (Engineering Teachers, Postsecondary) |
116 | 25-1041.00 | 大學/專教師_農業科技領域 (Agricultural Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary) |
117 | 25-1042.00 | 大學/專教師_生物科學領域 (Biological Science Teachers, Postsecondary) |
118 | 25-1043.00 | 大學/專教師_林業與保育領域 (Forestry and Conservation Science Teachers, Postsecondary) |
119 | 25-1051.00 | 大學/專教師_大氣/地科/海洋/航太領域 (Atmospheric, Earth, Marine, and Space Sciences Teachers, Postsecondary) |
120 | 25-1052.00 | 大學/專教師_化學領域 (Chemistry Teachers, Postsecondary) |
121 | 25-1053.00 | 大學/專教師_環境科學領域 (Environmental Science Teachers, Postsecondary) |
122 | 25-1054.00 | 大學/專教師_物理領域 (Physics Teachers, Postsecondary) |
123 | 25-1061.00 | 大學/專教師_人類學/考古領域 (Anthropology and Archeology Teachers, Postsecondary) |
124 | 25-1062.00 | 大學/專教師_地區、民族與文化領域 (Area, Ethnic, and Cultural Studies Teachers, Postsecondary) |
125 | 25-1063.00 | 大學/專教師_經濟領域 (Economics Teachers, Postsecondary) |
126 | 25-1064.00 | 大學/專教師_地理領域 (Geography Teachers, Postsecondary) |
127 | 25-1065.00 | 大學/專教師_政治學領域 (Political Science Teachers, Postsecondary) |
128 | 25-1066.00 | 大學/專教師_心理學領域 (Psychology Teachers, Postsecondary) |
129 | 25-1067.00 | 大學/專教師_社會學領域 (Sociology Teachers, Postsecondary) |
130 | 25-1071.00 | 大學教師-醫療與健康領域 (Health Specialties Teachers, Postsecondary) |
131 | 25-1072.00 | 大學教師-護理領域 (Nursing Instructors and Teachers, Postsecondary) |
132 | 25-1081.00 | 大學/專教師_教育學領域 (Education Teachers, Postsecondary) |
133 | 25-1082.00 | 大學/專教師_圖書資訊領域 (Library Science Teachers, Postsecondary) |
134 | 25-1111.00 | 大學/專教師_犯罪與司法領域 (Criminal Justice and Law Enforcement Teachers, Postsecondary) |
135 | 25-1112.00 | 大學/專教師_法學領域 (Law Teachers, Postsecondary) |
136 | 25-1113.00 | 大學/專教師_社會工作領域 (Social Work Teachers, Postsecondary) |
137 | 25-1121.00 | 大學/專教師_藝術、戲劇與音樂領域 (Art, Drama, and Music Teachers, Postsecondary) |
138 | 25-1122.00 | 大學/專教師_傳播領域 (Communications Teachers, Postsecondary) |
139 | 25-1123.00 | 大學/專教師_本國語文與文學領域 (English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary) |
140 | 25-1124.00 | 大學/專教師_外國語文與文學領域 (Foreign Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary) |
141 | 25-1125.00 | 大學/專教師_歷史領域 (History Teachers, Postsecondary) |
142 | 25-1126.00 | 大學/專教師_哲學與宗教領域 (Philosophy and Religion Teachers, Postsecondary) |
143 | 25-1191.00 | 大學/專助教 (Graduate Teaching Assistants) |
144 | 25-1192.00 | 大學/專教師_家政領域 (Home Economics Teachers, Postsecondary) |
145 | 25-1193.00 | 大學/專教師_健康與休閒領域 (Recreation and Fitness Studies Teachers, Postsecondary) |
146 | 25-2021.00 | 小學教師 (Elementary School Teachers, Except Special Education) |
147 | 25-2022.00 | 國中教師 (Middle School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education) |
148 | 25-2023.00 | 國中技職教師 (Career/Technical Education Teachers, Middle School) |
149 | 25-2031.00 | 高中老師 (Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education) |
150 | 25-2053.00 | 特教老師-國中 (Special Education Teachers, Middle School) |
151 | 25-2054.00 | 特教老師-高中 (Special Education Teachers, Secondary School) |
152 | 25-3011.00 | 基礎學力與補救教育老師 (Adult Basic and Secondary Education and Literacy Teachers and Instructors) |
153 | 25-4011.00 | 檔案保管員 (Archivists) |
154 | 25-4012.00 | 博物館長 (Curators) |
155 | 25-4013.00 | 博物館技術員與文物保存人員 (Museum Technicians and Conservators) |
156 | 25-4021.00 | 圖書館學家 (Librarians) |
157 | 25-9021.00 | 家計與家政諮詢師 (Farm and Home Management Advisors) |
158 | 25-9031.00 | 教學資源協調與支援工作者 (Instructional Coordinators) |
159 | 25-9031.01 | 教學資源設計師與技師 (Instructional Designers and Technologists) |
160 | 27-1011.00 | 藝術總監 (Art Directors) |
161 | 27-1025.00 | 室內設計師 (Interior Designers) |
162 | 27-2011.00 | 演員 (Actors) |
163 | 27-2012.01 | 製作人 (Producers) |
164 | 27-2012.02 | 導演-戲劇/電影/電視/廣播 (Directors- Stage, Motion Pictures, Television, and Radio) |
165 | 27-2012.03 | 導播 (Program Directors) |
166 | 27-2042.01 | 歌手 (Singers) |
167 | 27-3011.00 | 廣電主播/主持人 (Radio and Television Announcers) |
168 | 27-3021.00 | 新聞分析評論家 (Broadcast News Analysts) |
169 | 27-3022.00 | 記者和特派員 (Reporters and Correspondents) |
170 | 27-3031.00 | 公關專員 (Public Relations Specialists) |
171 | 27-3041.00 | 編輯 (Editors) |
172 | 27-3042.00 | 技術檔作者 (Technical Writers) |
173 | 27-3043.04 | 廣告文案作家 (Copy Writers) |
174 | 27-3043.05 | 詩人與創意性作家 (Poets, Lyricists and Creative Writers) |
175 | 27-3091.00 | 口譯員和翻譯 (Interpreters and Translators) |
176 | 29-1011.00 | 脊骨矯治醫師 (Chiropractors) |
177 | 29-1022.00 | 口腔顎面外科醫師 (Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons) |
178 | 29-1031.00 | 營養師 (Dietitians and Nutritionists) |
179 | 29-1063.00 | 一般內科醫師 (Internists, General) |
180 | 29-1064.00 | 婦產科醫師 (Obstetricians and Gynecologists) |
181 | 29-1065.00 | 一般小兒科醫師 (Pediatricians, General) |
182 | 29-1066.00 | 精神科醫師 (Psychiatrists) |
183 | 29-1067.00 | 外科醫師 (Surgeons) |
184 | 29-1069.01 | 過敏科與免疫科醫師 (Allergists and Immunologists) |
185 | 29-1069.02 | 皮膚科醫師 (Dermatologists) |
186 | 29-1069.03 | 住院醫師 (Hospitalists) |
187 | 29-1069.04 | 神經專科醫師 (Neurologists) |
188 | 29-1069.05 | 核子醫學醫師 (Nuclear Medicine Physicians) |
189 | 29-1069.06 | 眼科醫師 (Ophthalmologists) |
190 | 29-1069.07 | 病理學家 (Pathologists) |
191 | 29-1069.08 | 物理治療與復健醫師 (Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Physicians) |
192 | 29-1069.09 | 預防醫學醫師 (Preventive Medicine Physicians) |
193 | 29-1069.10 | 放射科醫師 (Radiologists) |
194 | 29-1069.11 | 運動醫學醫師 (Sports Medicine Physicians) |
195 | 29-1071.00 | 內科醫療助理 (Physician Assistants) |
196 | 29-1071.01 | 麻醉師助理 (Anesthesiologist Assistants) |
197 | 29-1081.00 | 足科醫師 (Podiatrists) |
198 | 29-1124.00 | 核子醫學治療師 (Radiation Therapists) |
199 | 29-1125.00 | 遊憩治療師 (Recreational Therapists) |
200 | 29-1127.00 | 語言治療師 (Speech-Language Pathologists) |
201 | 29-1131.00 | 獸醫 (Veterinarians) |
202 | 29-1141.00 | 執照護理師(護士) (Registered Nurses) |
203 | 29-1141.01 | 緊急照顧護理師 (Acute Care Nurses) |
204 | 29-1141.02 | 進階精神科護理師 (Advanced Practice Psychiatric Nurses) |
205 | 29-1141.03 | 重症加護護理師 (Critical Care Nurses) |
206 | 29-1141.04 | 臨床護理專員 (Clinical Nurse Specialists) |
207 | 29-1161.00 | 婦產專科護理師 (Nurse Midwives) |
208 | 29-1171.00 | 專科護理師 (Nurse Practitioners) |
209 | 29-1181.00 | 聽語治療師 (Audiologists) |
210 | 29-2032.00 | 超音波檢測技師 (Diagnostic Medical Sonographers) |
211 | 29-2041.00 | 急救醫護人員 (Emergency Medical Technicians and Paramedics) |
212 | 29-2053.00 | 精神科技術人員 (Psychiatric Technicians) |
213 | 29-2056.00 | 獸醫技師與技士 (Veterinary Technologists and Technicians) |
214 | 29-2061.00 | 有照執業與職業護理員 (Licensed Practical and Licensed Vocational Nurses) |
215 | 29-9011.00 | 職業健康和安全專業工作者 (Occupational Health and Safety Specialists) |
216 | 29-9092.00 | 遺傳諮詢師 (Genetic Counselors) |
217 | 31-9091.00 | 牙醫助理 (Dental Assistants) |
218 | 31-9093.00 | 醫療設備準備員 (Medical Equipment Preparers) |
219 | 31-9094.00 | 醫療膳錄員 (Medical Transcriptionists) |
220 | 31-9097.00 | 抽血員 (Phlebotomists) |
221 | 31-9099.01 | 語言治療助理師 (Speech-Language Pathology Assistants) |
222 | 33-2021.01 | 消防督察員 (Fire Inspectors) |
223 | 33-3021.01 | 刑警 (Police Detectives) |
224 | 33-3021.06 | 情報分析幹員 (Intelligence Analysts) |
225 | 33-3051.01 | 管區巡警 (Police Patrol Officers) |
226 | 33-9021.00 | 私家偵探和調查員 (Private Detectives and Investigators) |
227 | 39-1021.00 | 個人服務工作領班 (First-Line Supervisors of Personal Service Workers) |
228 | 39-4031.00 | 生命禮儀服務師 (Morticians, Undertakers, and Funeral Directors) |
229 | 39-5093.00 | 洗髮服務生 (Shampooers) |
230 | 39-6012.00 | 旅館服務台職員 (Concierges) |
231 | 41-1012.00 | 銷售基層管理者_零售業除外 (First-Line Supervisors of Non-Retail Sales Workers) |
232 | 41-3021.00 | 保險經紀人 (Insurance Sales Agents) |
233 | 41-3031.01 | 證卷期貨銷售經紀人 (Sales Agents, Securities and Commodities) |
234 | 41-3031.02 | 金融服務銷售經紀人 (Sales Agents, Financial Services) |
235 | 43-2021.00 | 電信接線員 (Telephone Operators) |
236 | 43-4031.02 | 議會秘書/議員助理 (Municipal Clerks) |
237 | 43-4041.01 | 信用核准辦事員 (Credit Authorizers) |
238 | 43-4051.03 | 病患代表 (Patient Representatives) |
239 | 43-4131.00 | 放款員 (Loan Interviewers and Clerks) |
240 | 43-4161.00 | 人力資源助理_不含計時員工作 (Human Resources Assistants, Except Payroll and Timekeeping) |
241 | 43-5032.00 | 車輛調度員(警/消防/救護車除外) (Dispatchers, Except Police, Fire, and Ambulance) |
242 | 43-6012.00 | 法律助理 (Legal Secretaries) |
243 | 43-6013.00 | 醫療秘書 (Medical Secretaries) |
244 | 43-6014.00 | 一般秘書 (Secretaries and Administrative Assistants, Except Legal, Medical, and Executive) |
245 | 43-9041.02 | 保單處理員 (Insurance Policy Processing Clerks) |
246 | 43-9081.00 | 校對員 (Proofreaders and Copy Markers) |
247 | 47-4011.00 | 營建工程稽查員 (Construction and Building Inspectors) |
248 | 53-2012.00 | 商用飛機駕駛員 (Commercial Pilots) |
249 | 53-2031.00 | 空服員 (Flight Attendants) |
250 | 53-6051.01 | 航空安全稽查員 (Aviation Inspectors) |